1. "A Monumental Challenge to Danish History" by Mathias Danbolt and Michael K. Wilson for Kunstkritikk.

2. Martin Selsøe Sørensen's article in The New York Times"Denmark Gets Statue of a ‘Rebel Queen’ Who Led Fiery Revolt Against Colonialism".

3. Being referenced by The Guardian in this article about Winnie Mandela's legacy.

4. "A Mighty Woman With a Torch", Yvette Brackmann's reportage for Kunstkritikk.

5. I Do Art's interview and article "'Hvem er det?' Tænker du, og, 'Hvorfor ved jeg ikke det?'" (Who is that? And How Come I Don't Know?).

6. Gabrielle Bruney's article for Vice"This Black Woman Who Led a Labor Uprising Is Finally Getting a Monument".

7. Op-Ed for the digital publication SWAAY.

8. Now This Her features I Am Queen Mary


Online | Now This Her | April 5, 2018



Radio | BBC Radio | World News Service | March 31, 2018 | Newshour interviews La Vaughn Belle and Jeannette Ehlers about their project "I Am Queen Mary" (begins at 45min mark)


March 31, 2018 | TV | DRTV Denmark

BBC Radio World News Service| Newshour | I Am Queen Mary

March 20, 2018 | TV | News2 TV2 US Virgin Islands